The in-depth case studies below are based on field research around specific protected areas
Tumba Lediima Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo
“Before the Tumba Lediima Reserve, life was not complicated, as all the solutions could be found in the forest; but today, we are starting to enter our forests as if we were thieves”.
Village chief, DRC
Boumba Bek and Nki National Parks, Cameroon
“The eco-guards follow us all over, even in the forest, and we are no longer free”.
Forest dweller, Cameroon
Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Republic of Congo
“The park could have become an economic opportunity for us but it has become like living in a prison”.
Forest dweller, Republic of Congo
Ivindo National Park, Gabon
“We don’t think that the park is a bad thing in terms of conserving species; what bothers us in the way we are treated and the type of interaction that people from the park have with us”.
Forest dweller, Gabon
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo
“There is no support for us to meet our needs. They make laws about fauna while the population suffers from hunger because of human-wildlife conflict; we cannot practise agriculture anymore, all the food comes from Likouala”.
Kabo resident, Republic of Congo
Conkouati-Douli National Park, Republic of Congo
“We are futureless, with no qualifications and [Conkouati] Park does not hire many agents; we are forced to embrace illegal activities. What else can we do?”.
Young resident of Ngoumbi, Republic of Congo